This is a very simple application that allows someone to enter a customer name into a web form, and then adds the customer to QuickBooks. BEFORE YOU CAN USE THIS, YOU NEED TO EDIT THE config.php FILE! WITHIN THE config.php FILE, CHANGE THE $dsn VARIABLE TO POINT TO YOUR OWN DATABASE! YOU ALSO NEED TO EDIT THE example.qwc FILE TO POINT IT TO THE URL OF YOUR server.php FILE. THE AppURL VARIABLE IN THE example.qwc FILE CAN ALSO POINT TO THAT SAME URL. * Modify the config.php file. * Modify the example.qwc file. * Open QuickBooks as the administrative user. * Open the QuickBooks Web Connector. * Load your .qwc file into the Web Connector with the [Add Application] button. * Follow the prompts to allow access to QuickBooks. * Enter the password 'password' into the Web Connector. * Visit the form.php file in your web browser, fill in the form, and submit it. * Check the left-most checkbox in the Web Connector. * Hit the [Update Selected] button in the Web Connector. * Check QuickBooks for the customer. If you see it, good. If you don't see it, check the quickbooks_* fields in the SQL 'my_customer_table' table.